Loading bay green resin floor

Pagefresh HF is a 6-9mm heavy duty, chemical re­sistant polyurethane resin floor screed. Ideal for wet processing areas such as chemical processing plants, secondary chemical contami­nent zones, food manufacturing areas and food preparation areas.

The finished systems is assessed as non hazardous to health and the environment. The long service life and seamless surface reduce the need for repairs, mainte­nance and cleaning. Environmental and health consid­erations are controlled during manufacture and applica­tion of the products by Page Industrial Coatings  and staff are fully trained and experienced employees.

  • Very high chemical resistance
  • Hygienic – Easy to clean, maintain and sterilise; minimal joints
  • Heat resistant to 120*C @ 9mm
  • Steam cleanable
  • Non-tainting and non-dusting
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Withstands high mechanical stress
  • Low odour during application
  • Positive slip resistance

The figures that follow are typical properties achieved in laboratory tests at 20 degrees and at 50% Relative Hu­midity.


EN 13813 A1.0-B2.8-I R20.0 Synthetic screed material for use internally in buildings
Reaction to fire Bs S1 (13501-l)
Impact Resistance IR 20.0 (EN ISO 6272)
Wear Resistonce A 1.0 (EN 13892-3)
Boned Strength B2.8 ((EN 13892-8))


Slip Resistadlce
Method described in in BS 7976-2 (typical values for 4-S rubber slider)
Dry >40 low slip potential (in accordacnce with I-ISE and UKSRG guidelines)


The slipperiness of flooring materials can change significanlly, due to the installation process, after short periods of use, due to inappropriate maintenance, longer term wear and/ or surface contaminants (wet or dry).

Textured systems are recommended to meet slip resistance value requirements for wet conditions and/ ,or surface contaminants (wet or dry) – please contact our technical Advisors for further details and specifications.


Temperature resistance Tollerant to intermittent spillages up to 120°C or sustained dry heat from -A40°C to 105°C (at 9 mm thickness.)
Water Permeability Nil – Karsten test (impermeable)
Vapour Permeability ASTM E96 :9 0 3g/m’/ 2.4hrs(at 9 mm thick)(impermeable)
Chemical Resistance Contact technical department – excellent resistance to sugars and most acids (organic and inorganic)
Compressive strength > 50 N/mm2 (BS 6319)
Flexural Strength 20 N/mm2 (BS 6319)
Tensile Strength 10 N/mm2 (BS 6319)



Speed Of Cure


10°C 20°C 30°C
Light Traffic 36 hours 24 hours 12 hours
Full Traffic 72 hours 48 hours 24 hours
Full Chemical Cure 10 days 7 days 5 days


Aftercare – Cleaning and Maintenance: Clean regularly using a single or double headed rotary scrubber drier in conjunction with a m ild alkaline detergent.

Products Included

Primer: (if Required) Page Prime @ 0.25kg/m2 (porous substrate may require 2 coats)

OR: where a dpm is required,

Page Hydraseal DPM @ 0.5 kg/m2 OR: where high heat resistance is critical

Pagefresh primer @ 0.25 kg/m2 Scatter: 1-2mm silica sand @ 0.5 kg/m2

Topping: Page HF (density 2.1 kg/I)

For general chem. Resistance-12.6 kg/m2@ 6mm For best temp resistance-18.9 kg/m2@ 9mm

Detailed application instructions are available upon re­ quest.

Installation Service

This installation is carried out by Page Industrial Coat­ ings approved applicator all Resin and accredited mem­ber of FERFA.